Cash PIT - The Finance Ministry wants to introduce cash PIT on a voluntary basis, starting January 1, 2025. A draft law introducing cash PIT has gone to inter-ministerial consultation.

According to the draft, a taxpayer will be able to settle PIT on a cash basis if: 

Cash PIT will be available to entrepreneurs who settle income tax:

The right to cash PIT will not be available to persons conducting business activities, such as in the form of a civil partnership or general partnership.

Assumptions of the act:

Cash PIT - pros and cons after the implementation of the amendments to the Personal Income Tax Act:

The analysis of the assumptions of the cash PIT raises an important question:

If the cash method were introduced in PIT, would it not also be available for corporate income tax?

Many CIT-paying companies have lower revenues than some PIT-paying entrepreneurs, so the criterion of the amount of business income may be unfair.