With the arrival of the new year, the legislature is introducing changes to labor laws that will affect both employees and employers. A higher minimum wage, new rules on maternity leave, or regulations on compensation for harassment and discrimination are just a few. Here is a guide to the most important changes in the Labor Code effective from 2025.

Minimum wage in 2025 - new rates
As of January 2025, the gross minimum salary has increased to PLN 4666 (equivalent to PLN 3510.92 net). This represents an increase of PLN 366 gross compared to the previous year. The minimum hourly rate is now PLN 30.50 gross, which is particularly important for those employed on civil law contracts, such as a contract of mandate.
The increase in the minimum wage also increases employment costs - employers now have to incur expenses of PLN 5621.59 per employee (an increase of PLN 440.95 compared to 2024). The higher wage also translates into an increase in:
- allowances for night work,
- the amount free of deductions,
- compensation, which are dependent on the minimum wage.
Minimum wage depending on the size of a full-time job:
- 2/3 FTE: PLN 3110.67,
- 1/2 FTE: PLN 2333,
- 1/2 FTE: PLN 1555,33,
- 1/4 FTE: PLN 1166.50.
Changes regarding unemployment benefits
Starting in 2025, the way unemployment benefits are calculated has been changed. Until now, the amount of the benefit depended on seniority, but now all those eligible will receive the full amount of the benefit. For the first three months it is 1662 PLN gross, and then 1305.20 PLN gross.
In addition, people over 50 with at least 20 years of work experience can collect the benefit for up to 12 months. The same rule applies to people with disabilities, supporting children and those with the Large Family Card.
New regulations on working hours and days off
As of February 1, 2025, Christmas Eve (December 24) has been recognized as a public holiday. As a result, working hours in 2025 have been reduced to 1992 hours (instead of the previous 2,000 hours).
In turn, additional trading Sundays were introduced in December, falling on three consecutive Sundays preceding Christmas Eve.
Collective bargaining agreements - new rules
The amendment on collective bargaining agreements facilitates agreements between the employer and employee representation. Regulations introduced by the Law of June 20, 2024 clarify the rules on the conclusion, duration and scope of collective agreements.
Support for people with disabilities
As of January 2025, the amount of loans for job creation for people with disabilities has been increased. The maximum amount is now PLN 75,403.60, 25% of which can be used for personnel expenses.
In addition, the amounts of wage subsidies from the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities have increased:
- PLN 2760 - with a significant degree of disability,
- PLN 1550 - with a moderate degree,
- PLN 575 - with a light degree.
New rules for maternity leave
W 2025 roku wprowadzono tzw. uzupełniający urlop macierzyński, który przysługuje rodzicom dzieci wymagających hospitalizacji po narodzinach. Nowe przepisy obowiązują od 19 marca 2025 roku i pozwalają rodzicom zachować więcej czasu na opiekę po powrocie dziecka do domu.
The size of the additional leave:
- 8 to 15 weeks, depending on the length of hospitalization and the week of pregnancy in which the child was born.
Bullying and discrimination - higher compensation
From 2025, employees who have experienced bullying or discrimination are entitled to compensation of at least PLN 4666 gross. This provision applies both to the termination of the contract by the employee and to the assertion of their rights through the courts.
Protection of whistleblowers - new obligations for employers
In 2025, employers with at least 50 employees are required to put in place procedures that allow whistleblowers to report wrongdoing. Companies that fail to comply with the new regulations may be fined.
The year 2025 is a time of major changes in labor law, which include both wage issues and new obligations for employers. A higher minimum wage, new days off, changes in benefits, and support for parents and people with disabilities are just some of the amendments introduced. Employers and employees should thoroughly familiarize themselves with the new regulations to avoid mistakes and exercise their rights.